Message from Administration – June 16
By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021
Message from Administration – June 16
June 16, 2020
Dear Florida Conference family,
We are coming closer to the day when our churches will open again. Although we can hardly wait to see our church families in person, we urge continued vigilance and care in deliberations over how and when to gather. We continue to receive and pray over reports of church members infected by COVID-19. Some reports are of isolated members, others are of distressingly large pockets of infection within a congregation despite the fact that our churches have so-far remained closed. These reports pain us, and we ask that you join us in prayer for those members who have been stricken with the virus, for those who are indirectly affected, and for their families as well.
Our churches continue to develop their plans for reopening, some on a shorter timeframe than others. The date a church opens will ultimately be the decision of the local pastor and church board, but each member also bears responsibility for their own decisions on what is best for them. To ensure that each church member considers the potential hazards, the Conference is sending the following statement to each church for conspicuous posting:
In this current climate, there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any place where people gather. COVID-19 is caused by a virus and can spread from person to person. Its symptoms range from mild to severe illness or even death. While everyone is at risk of contracting this illness, the CDC has advised that there is special, higher risk for older adults and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions.
By entering this church, you acknowledge that you are aware of these risks, and that you personally and voluntarily assume any and all risk of exposure to, or any illness from, the COVID-19 virus.
On June 27, 2020, the Florida Conference will be joining the North American Division in a special day of prayer for the deeply-rooted hurt and oppression arising from racial injustice. We invite you to join us in prayerfully seeking God’s guidance and leading in our lives as we strive to become the church God can use to comfort and lift up those who are hurting in our communities.
We also invite you to join our Children’s Ministries Department for virtual Vacation Bible School July 12-16, 2020, from 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm with Heroes Making a Big Difference in Small Ways. Visit the Children’s Ministries Facebook page at for details. Your local Children’s Ministries Directors and VBS Directors are invited to attend a Zoom meeting to learn how your church can participate in this incredible and interactive VBS experience this Friday at 8:00 pm, at; or directly by Zoom with meeting ID: 408 451 3496 and password: 2020.
As we close, remember this: Our days will continue to be dotted with trials and unexpected turns, but we believe God is doing great things in our midst. Let the Holy Spirit guide you step by step, equipping you to get through. “As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him” (Psalm 18:30).
May God bless you always,
Florida Conference Administration