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Message from Administration – May 5

Message from Administration – May 5

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Message from Administration – May 5

Dear Florida Conference family,

As a new month is upon us, we hope you remain well. We are so glad things have improved to the point that the state can implement a phased reopening, and eagerly anticipate the stage where our congregations can reopen safely.  Because our prayer is for steady healing, though, we will continue to heed general safety guidelines. Since gatherings are still limited to 10 or fewer, our church buildings will remain closed until further notice. Meanwhile, we will continue with Open Church and invite each of you to join us and your local congregations in worshiping remotely.

It is with sadness that we relay the decision to cancel this year’s Summer Camp at Camp Kulaqua.  There was simply no way to hold camp in accordance with restrictions for gatherings. We will continue to keep you updated regarding other events that are planned for later in the year.

The ABC store continues to find ways to serve you safely by offering curbside pickup as an option Monday-Thursday 9 am-5:30 pm, and Friday 9 am-3 pm. Customers may call ahead and pre-order, or you may place your orders from your vehicles when you arrive at the store, and an employee will collect the items. Deliveries from the ABC will also continue as scheduled.

There have been several timely and relevant posts on the conference’s Restore Podcast, and the most recent one is no different. The interview posted on April 23 with the topic: “COVID-19 and Mental Health” has been extremely relevant as we all experience various effects of the coronavirus. Dr. Annie Perez and Candy DeVore, both professionals in the mental health field, are interviewed and give great tips for surviving and thriving mentally during these times. You can listen to this episode here:

Lastly, this week we celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week, so we challenge each of you to join the nation in thanking a teacher that has impacted you or your family’s lives.

As we close, remember this, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9.

May God bless you always,

Florida Conference Administration


Letter  from Administration

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