Message from Administration – April 28
By admin in MINISTRIES on March 2, 2021
Dear Florida Conference family,
We pray that this latest bulletin finds each of you well. As we faced continued relative isolation last week, we recognized that many of our churches remain beset by daunting challenges. Too many of these were due to the churches’ respective organizing duties ahead of the Regional Meetings and the Constituency Meeting that was to follow in October.
After carefully considering the challenges to moving forward, the Executive Committee determined that it was in the best interest of all to postpone the local-constituent appointment process, and thus also the Constituency Meeting, for one full year. This means we will plan to follow a similar schedule next year, culminating in the full Constituency Session on October 10, 2021.
We continue to thank all of our educators for their tireless work in bringing the virtual part of this school year toward a close. We know that many have faced obstacles they never imagined, and yet they continue to nurture our students with excellence that has earned our highest respect.
As we look ahead to the coming 2020-2021 school year, we encourage our members and local churches to support these same educators in their enrollment efforts. We recognize the current state of affairs may leave us with difficult choices, but let us not forget how God has exceedingly and abundantly blessed our students through their schools. Our support today can prepare the way for future generations.
Let us continue to pray for the rapid recovery of our nation.
May God bless you always,
Florida Conference Administration