Message from Administration – April 28

Message from Administration – April 28

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 2, 2021

Dear Florida Conference family,

We pray that this latest bulletin finds each of you well. As we faced continued relative isolation last week, we recognized that many of our churches remain beset by daunting challenges. Too many of these were due to the churches’ respective organizing duties ahead of the Regional Meetings and the Constituency Meeting that was to follow in October.

After carefully considering the challenges to moving forward, the Executive Committee determined that it was in the best interest of all to postpone the local-constituent appointment process, and thus also the Constituency Meeting, for one full year. This means we will plan to follow a similar schedule next year, culminating in the full Constituency Session on October 10, 2021.

We continue to thank all of our educators for their tireless work in bringing the virtual part of this school year toward a close. We know that many have faced obstacles they never imagined, and yet they continue to nurture our students with excellence that has earned our highest respect.

As we look ahead to the coming 2020-2021 school year, we encourage our members and local churches to support these same educators in their enrollment efforts. We recognize the current state of affairs may leave us with difficult choices, but let us not forget how God has exceedingly and abundantly blessed our students through their schools. Our support today can prepare the way for future generations.

Let us continue to pray for the rapid recovery of our nation.

May God bless you always,

Florida Conference Administration


Message from Administration – April 28

Serving as a Way of Life

Serving as a Way of Life

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Serving as a Way of Life

By Melissa Simmons

When you do something repeatedly it becomes a habit; some habits become so ingrained that it becomes a way of life. This is the case for Scott and Gail Shelton of the Apopka SDA Church in Apopka, Florida.

Once a year beginning in June 2007 and twice a year since 2013, Scott and Gail, and sometimes a team of up to 16 volunteers, travel to a small town called Villa Real, nestled on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Scott spends his time helping the locals with home improvement projects and assistance with food and clothing. While Gail spends her time teaching local ladies how to sew and crochet, enabling them with a craft that they can in turn use to make an income.

Over the years, five homes have either been rebuilt or improved upon. Many of the families live in poverty with homes that have dirt floors and outhouses with no indoor plumbing. These families live in a way that many of us can’t fathom. Scott and Gail and their team of volunteers are often an answer to prayer – giving them a glimmer of hope that they do matter.

During their time in Costa Rica, evenings are spent teaching 40+ young children about how much God loves them during Vacation Bible School. The children enjoy crafts, activities, reading, and singing – for many it is the first experience of God’s love in a tangible way.

The work the Shelton’s have begun does not stop when they return home. During one of their trips a small church was built and one of the locals became employed as the Bible worker. Through him the word of God continues to spread. He has studied with over 150 people in the community, spreading the gospel. This would not have taken place without the seed being planted through the work of Scott and Gail.

God impressed on the Shelton’s many years ago His need for them to go and serve, and as a result many have been blessed and rely on this assistance every year. It is no small task to coordinate and plan a mission trip abroad, but with God’s clear direction nothing is impossible.


If you would be interested in joining the Shelton’s on their yearly mission trips or for more information please, visit


Article from the 2020 Spring issue of Florida Focus

Encouragement for the Journey

Encouragement for the Journey

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Why is it so difficult to have healthy relationships?

We are hardwired for relationships. In fact, we were created to relate to God and to others. Genesis 1:26, 27 presents a God that lives in relationship with the Godhead. The heart of the universe revolves around relationships: God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit.

Human beings are created in the image of God, and since God is a relational God, they are created likewise. Before the Fall, this original relationship was perfect. However, since the Fall we have been carrying the pain and dysfunction of our broken relationships. The question remains, “if we are hardwired for relationships, why is it so difficult to develop healthy ones?”

One way that psychologists explain the process of relationship formation is through the lens of attachment theory. The theory states that attachment is the deep emotional bond that connects people together. This theory describes how our early relationships with primary caregivers, most commonly a parent, creates our expectations for how love should be. This bond is formed in close relationships with infants to adults, and as adults it is the way they relate to significant others.

God, in His wisdom, created an attachment behavioral system in the human brain. This attachment system is a wonderful blend of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. All are programmed in the brain to help you stay connected with the ones you love. This attachment system is naturally and purposely designed by God to keep spouses, parents, and children emotionally and physically connected. The attachment system is the relationship’s thermostat. The goal of the attachment system is to maintain the relationship in a comfortable environment of closeness, intimacy, emotional availability, and accessibility to each other.

For example, in marriage this system is naturally and purposefully designed to keep the couple emotionally and physically connected. However, since the partners in marriage are not perfect and are full of mistakes and vulnerabilities, sometimes cycles of conflict hinder one partner from being able to meet the attachment needs of the other. When the attachment is threatened, the attachment behavior system is triggered in an attempt to get the attention of the spouse. This emotional reaction is often a desperate cry from one spouse to the other so that they will reach out and restore his or her heart to its rightful place of safety.

It is clear that God designed us hardwired for connections, so why does it appear to be so difficult? As we have seen so far, when the attachment relationship of a couple is threatened by negative behavior, the spouse might normally respond with a predictable reaction. The response is typically charged with anger because he or she is responding to the loss of the attachment figure. Following the display of anger, the next step in separation distress is clinging and seeking, which can turn into depression and despair. Finally, if restoration does not occur, the relationship is damaged, and detachment will follow.

What can you do to bring healing to your relationship? Learn about your adult attachment style. It will help you to be mindful of the way you are relating to yourself and to your spouse. For example, if you have an insecure attachment style, your insecurities will flourish every time you feel vulnerable in your relationship.

Identify your attachment needs. This experience could be painful because it requires opening a dark room in your mind that many don’t care to visit. However, unless you practice self-awareness, you will not know your attachments needs, and it will be difficult for your spouse to provide for your emotional needs. Often seeking professional help can be incredibly helpful. Express your attachment needs in ways that move your spouse to respond and connect to you. Be clear and specific about your emotional needs. When your spouse responds sensitively, it will touch you emotionally and calm you on a physical level.

Prioritize emotional safety in your marriage. This means connecting to your partner and showing that their emotions, especially attachment needs and fears, have an impact on your relationship. It is imperative to provide a safe haven to your spouse when he or she calls for connection. Be brave enough to forgive your spouse. Forgiveness is essential for the safety of your relationship, and only happens when partners can make sense of their own hurt and how their significant other connects and also feels that hurt.

As with any relationship, love needs constant attention. For this reason, learn how to love. Knowing your attachment needs and responding to those of your spouse can make your marriage last for Eternity.

 Screen-Shot-2020-05-04-at-5.21.58-PM.png March

Message from Administration – May 5

Message from Administration – May 5

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Message from Administration – May 5

Dear Florida Conference family,

As a new month is upon us, we hope you remain well. We are so glad things have improved to the point that the state can implement a phased reopening, and eagerly anticipate the stage where our congregations can reopen safely.  Because our prayer is for steady healing, though, we will continue to heed general safety guidelines. Since gatherings are still limited to 10 or fewer, our church buildings will remain closed until further notice. Meanwhile, we will continue with Open Church and invite each of you to join us and your local congregations in worshiping remotely.

It is with sadness that we relay the decision to cancel this year’s Summer Camp at Camp Kulaqua.  There was simply no way to hold camp in accordance with restrictions for gatherings. We will continue to keep you updated regarding other events that are planned for later in the year.

The ABC store continues to find ways to serve you safely by offering curbside pickup as an option Monday-Thursday 9 am-5:30 pm, and Friday 9 am-3 pm. Customers may call ahead and pre-order, or you may place your orders from your vehicles when you arrive at the store, and an employee will collect the items. Deliveries from the ABC will also continue as scheduled.

There have been several timely and relevant posts on the conference’s Restore Podcast, and the most recent one is no different. The interview posted on April 23 with the topic: “COVID-19 and Mental Health” has been extremely relevant as we all experience various effects of the coronavirus. Dr. Annie Perez and Candy DeVore, both professionals in the mental health field, are interviewed and give great tips for surviving and thriving mentally during these times. You can listen to this episode here:

Lastly, this week we celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week, so we challenge each of you to join the nation in thanking a teacher that has impacted you or your family’s lives.

As we close, remember this, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9.

May God bless you always,

Florida Conference Administration


Letter  from Administration

Message from Administration – June 9

Message from Administration – June 9

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Message from Administration – June 9

Dear Florida Conference family,


As we progress through another new week, our prayer is for continued healing in our country. We press on in these uncertain times with a renewed sense of our mission as a church and as members of the body of Christ ministering to a broken world. Let us continue to walk together as one, remembering that, ultimately, God is in control. If you haven’t already, we invite you to take a few moments to join your Florida Conference leaders as they open their hearts on this important topic in a video message:

Video response to social injustice:

Last weekend, the Conference also released an official statement, which is posted on our website. Printed statement on injustice

We know these issues are important to the world and to you, our church family.  Please know they rest heavy on our souls as well.

In planning for more ways to bring our Savior’s love to bear in these times, our pastors and church leaders have begun forming plans for the reopening of our churches. We have previously issued guidelines to assist them in their planning process, but each church is unique in size, configuration, and membership. Please understand that because each church is different, they will not all reopen at the same time. Ultimately, the decision regarding a reopening date lies with the pastor and the local church board, and will be based on the needs of each specific church. If you have questions about this process, please reach out to your local church leaders. We urge patience and understanding for these leaders during this process. It will take considerable time and preparation, since the safety of our members is of utmost importance.

Meanwhile, the same careful consideration is being given to plans for reopening our schools for the coming 2020-2021 school year. We encourage each of you to engage with your local schools in the registration process as they roll it out, so you will be fully informed and prepared when the time comes.

As we close, remember that even though the path before us may be cluttered with difficulties, our God is greater than every trial we face. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3.

May God bless you always,


Florida Conference Administration

Hurricane Season 2020

Hurricane Season 2020

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Dear Florida Conference,

I pray that this message finds you in good health. As you may be aware, we are currently in the midst of this year’s hurricane season, which is expected to extend from June 1-November 30, 2020. I would like to remind you of some important safety measures that you can take to equip yourself and those around you.

1. Please call upon the Lord to keep us all safe.
2. Listen attentively to the news and weather channels in your area, and obey all the warnings about hurricanes and any other natural disasters coming to Florida.
3. Download the FEMA app on your smart device.
4. Help your family and neighbors to prepare for the worst. I encourage you to follow these recommendations for preparation:

a. Clear brush and mobile objects from around the house.
b. Get your window shutters ready for hanging.
c. Stock up on non-perishable foods and water (two-week supply), and pet food and supplies if you have pets.
d. Gather items such as flashlights & batteries, portable phone chargers, portable radio, coal or camping stoves, blankets, first aid & medication, basic toiletries, whistle, face masks (cloth, surgical, or N95), and appropriate clothing and footwear.
e. Fill your gas tank and have cash on hand.
f. Secure your medications and important documents such as personal I.D.’s, birth & marriage certificates, credit cards, house and other property titles, and passports.
g. Update your homeowner’s insurance or obtain it if you do not have.
h. Have an escape plan, should there be an evacuation order for your community.
i. Obey all the instructions of the Governor’s office.

While we cannot avoid a natural disaster, we can help minimize its impact on ourselves and our neighbors.
Please feel free to call me at 407-637-0319 or email me at You may also contact my assistant by email at or by calling 407-618-0210.

Conrad G. Duncan
Disaster Response Director
Vice-President Administration
Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Hurricane Season 2020

Message from Administration – June 16

Message from Administration – June 16

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Message from Administration – June 16

June 16, 2020


Dear Florida Conference family,

We are coming closer to the day when our churches will open again. Although we can hardly wait to see our church families in person, we urge continued vigilance and care in deliberations over how and when to gather. We continue to receive and pray over reports of church members infected by COVID-19.  Some reports are of isolated members, others are of distressingly large pockets of infection within a congregation despite the fact that our churches have so-far remained closed.  These reports pain us, and we ask that you join us in prayer for those members who have been stricken with the virus, for those who are indirectly affected, and for their families as well.

Our churches continue to develop their plans for reopening, some on a shorter timeframe than others. The date a church opens will ultimately be the decision of the local pastor and church board, but each member also bears responsibility for their own decisions on what is best for them. To ensure that each church member considers the potential hazards, the Conference is sending the following statement to each church for conspicuous posting:

In this current climate, there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any place where people gather. COVID-19 is caused by a virus and can spread from person to person. Its symptoms range from mild to severe illness or even death. While everyone is at risk of contracting this illness, the CDC has advised that there is special, higher risk for older adults and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions.

By entering this church, you acknowledge that you are aware of these risks, and that you personally and voluntarily assume any and all risk of exposure to, or any illness from, the COVID-19 virus.

On June 27, 2020, the Florida Conference will be joining the North American Division in a special day of prayer for the deeply-rooted hurt and oppression arising from racial injustice. We invite you to join us in prayerfully seeking God’s guidance and leading in our lives as we strive to become the church God can use to comfort and lift up those who are hurting in our communities.

We also invite you to join our Children’s Ministries Department for virtual Vacation Bible School July 12-16, 2020, from 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm with Heroes Making a Big Difference in Small Ways.  Visit the Children’s Ministries Facebook page at for details. Your local Children’s Ministries Directors and VBS Directors are invited to attend a Zoom meeting to learn how your church can participate in this incredible and interactive VBS experience this Friday at 8:00 pm, at; or directly by Zoom with meeting ID: 408 451 3496 and password2020.

As we close, remember this: Our days will continue to be dotted with trials and unexpected turns, but we believe God is doing great things in our midst. Let the Holy Spirit guide you step by step, equipping you to get through. “As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him” (Psalm 18:30).

May God bless you always,


Florida Conference Administration

Open Church Vespers – June 20

Open Church Vespers – June 20

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Open Church Vespers – June 20

Join us this Sabbath, June 20th at 6:30pm as Pastor Juan Rodriguez, Youth and Young Adults Director at the Florida Conference delves into “A Father’s Platform is Love”. Tune in with your family and invite your friends to watch live in any of these platforms:

Message from Administration – June 23

Message from Administration – June 23

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Message from Administration – June 23

Dear Florida Conference family,

We find ourselves another week into the summer, and join what is surely a great number of you watching in dismay as developments in the pandemic take a downward turn.  Some areas of our territory are really struggling, while others have still managed to avoid serious impact.

In the central region of the state, conditions and restrictions in Seminole County are fairly mild, while all around us, Orange County has a large and growing infection rate, and as a result has just this weekend mandated the use of face masks in public. This highlights the challenge each of our congregations faces in deciding their best course to reopening.  We all continue to patiently endure during this time of caution and uncertainty.

In the meantime, our charge remains the same:  The health of our members and visitors is our greatest concern. Each church must attend carefully to local conditions and directives to understand their situation, and the decision on reopening is a local one to be made cautiously and in compliance with CDC and other directives.  We continue to face these questions and walk this path together with you in every way.

We want you to know that you are constantly in our prayers. God is very much present in our midst, and He will continue to lead us through. Many wonderful things have resulted from this unexpected turn of events; let us always remember our resilience and how we’ve been blessed with all of the tools needed to adapt and move forward with the mission. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. His return is soon to come.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him” James 1:12.

May God bless you always,

Florida Conference Administration


Message from Administration (pdf)

Update from Administration – July -7

Update from Administration – July -7

By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021

Update from Administration – July -7

July 7, 2020

Dear Florida Conference family,

We pray this week’s update finds each of you well and that the week ahead is a reminder of God’s countless blessings and the freedom we enjoy because of His greatest gift, Jesus Christ, our Savior.

As our state continues to move forward with reopening, the gravity of new COVID-19 cases being confirmed daily is heavy on all our hearts. As the numbers continue to rise in the thousands, we must proceed with caution regarding decisions to reopen our churches. We recommend that our pastors delay this process until the health and safety of our members can be ensured. We ask our pastors and church staff to carefully assess the situation in each respective area and proceed cautiously in moving forward with any decisions.

During this time, we would like to encourage each of you to stay in touch with your local church family, as some are suffering from the virus. Let us also remain in an attitude of prayer for the healing of our country, not only from the consequences of this pandemic but also from the many social realities we face today. It is important to lift each other up in prayer and remember, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).

Please continue to be safe and trust that God is with you and will give you peace.

May God bless you always,

Florida Conference Administration

Update from Administration(PDF)