Message from Administration – June 23
By admin in MINISTRIES on March 1, 2021
Message from Administration – June 23
Dear Florida Conference family,
We find ourselves another week into the summer, and join what is surely a great number of you watching in dismay as developments in the pandemic take a downward turn. Some areas of our territory are really struggling, while others have still managed to avoid serious impact.
In the central region of the state, conditions and restrictions in Seminole County are fairly mild, while all around us, Orange County has a large and growing infection rate, and as a result has just this weekend mandated the use of face masks in public. This highlights the challenge each of our congregations faces in deciding their best course to reopening. We all continue to patiently endure during this time of caution and uncertainty.
In the meantime, our charge remains the same: The health of our members and visitors is our greatest concern. Each church must attend carefully to local conditions and directives to understand their situation, and the decision on reopening is a local one to be made cautiously and in compliance with CDC and other directives. We continue to face these questions and walk this path together with you in every way.
We want you to know that you are constantly in our prayers. God is very much present in our midst, and He will continue to lead us through. Many wonderful things have resulted from this unexpected turn of events; let us always remember our resilience and how we’ve been blessed with all of the tools needed to adapt and move forward with the mission. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. His return is soon to come.
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him” James 1:12.
May God bless you always,
Florida Conference Administration